Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gratitude is...

I believe I've always said, "please" and "thank you".  That's what I've been taught to do and try to teach the same thing.  However, gratitude is soo much more evidently.  It is the ability to be thankful for all that you have without wanting more. This is where my journey begins!

Alas, I've come to the conclusion I'm truly not grateful.  I rarely take the time to say "thank you" for the things I have because I'm too focused on what I want.  I believe this is referred to as "coveting" (sounds a whole heck of a lot better than envy)! I see what others have and wonder why not me?!?! I know you should never compare, but let's be perfectly honest WE ALL DO! Or at least have done.  I am on a journey that will lead me to becoming more grateful.  This is why I've chose the name for the blog.  I hope that my thoughts will help someone else because for me it's a way of working through things.  Until next time...I'm thankful for just one person reading this!!!